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At the heart of the Bourbonnais, the town of Meillard has been home to our 22-hectares wine estate, since 1920. Over the years, our family know-how and unconditional passion for viticulture has driven us to bring the best out of the Saint-Pourçain terroir, one of the most secret appellation of the Loire region.

The Bellevue Wine Estate

The Vineyard

As the French saying goes, you can’t make good wine without good grapes! Half of our vines have been planted more than 30 years ago. Our vineyard also benefits from two different types of soil: one granitic in Meillard and another one composed of bourbonnais sands and gravels in the town of Chatel-de-Neuvre. The precious micro-elements of these soils lend their typicality and richness to our wines.

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The winemaker 

Wine reflects the personality and creativity of the Winemaker. Mélanie Pfeffer, our Winemaker holds a diploma in viticulture and oenology. With her experience in the renowned vineyards of Bordeaux and Provence, she has acquired rich and unique expertise. Her work passionately and creatively combines respect for traditions with sustainable practices.

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Respectful of its terroir and always engaged in a sustainable agriculture approach, the Domaine de Bellevue was awarded the High Environmental Value certification in 2020. This certification illustrates our desire to improve our agro-ecological approach to promote the biodiversity's development, preserve the life of our soils and keep offering you excellent quality wines.

High Environmental Value

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